How To Import & Edit Sounds On Koji


Community asked for better audio tools! So we created a sound editor in Koji that is simple & fast!

We asked folks in the Koji Discord what takes the most time when building games. As it turns out, searching for good sounds & music takes a really long time.

We fixed all of that with this NEW FEATURE!!!

Previously, creators were reading our Koji Game Creation Guide (For Non-Techies) and then spent lots of time jumping around from one audio library to another audio library, finding the perfect sound clip, trimming it, then uploading to Koji. This process takes way too much time… luckily our NEW tool can help!

You can now pull and trim audio within Koji!

All it takes is a few steps to create the perfect sounds for your games and apps.

1. Upload Audio or Pull From A URL

If you have audio you can upload it like you would normally. However, you can now pull audio directly from any URL! Try pasting a URL!


Once you have uploaded a sound or pasted in a URL of audio, you will see it set up the audio for trimming. This may take a few seconds depending on the size of the audio file.


2. Trim & Save the audio to your Project

Once the audio ios fetched you will be able to click and drag the blue edges to trim your clip down. In general, you should try to keep your audio clips to less than 2MB (about 25-30 second max).

This feature is going to save you tons of time!

By taking out all of the tedious steps to sound designing your game, you can now quickly create your own audio snippets.

Try using the Audio Editor in your next Koji Game Build! And let us know what you think by joining our Koji Community on Discord or tagging us on social media @madewithkoji

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